Sunday, March 29, 2009

Childhood Vaccinations Demystified

According to the CDC,” Vaccine-preventable disease levels are at or near record lows. Even though most infants and toddlers have received all recommended vaccines by age 2, many under-immunized children remain, leaving the potential for outbreaks of disease.”

Before the modern age of the vaccine, millions of children died every year from preventable diseases. Today, medical progress has enabled us to formulate solutions that protect us from the most deadly of diseases. It is amazing that in a short drive to your doctor’s office you can protect yourself and your family from the flu, measles, mumps, polio, chicken pox, and hepatitis just to name a few. Clearly, the importance of these “modern-day healers” are crucial to the area of preventative medicine and keeping your child healthy and safe.

Much of the fear surrounding immunization comes from a lack of knowledge about what vaccines are and what they really do. Simply put, a vaccination usually just gives the patient a small portion of the actual disease. Next, the patient’s immune system begins to create and accumulate cells that fight off and kill the disease. The body is tricked into thinking it actually has the disease. Then, in the event that the individual comes in contact with the disease, they would have already developed specialized cells that would be able to fight off and kill the disease.
While our group holds the opinion that child immunization is ultimately beneficial to the individual and society at large, we will not withhold the views of the opponents of child vaccinations. We encourage you to read our blog and come to your own conclusion about what is best for you and your child. Thanks.


  1. I have my doubts about the use of vaccines because i read a book called "the maker's diet". In the book, the author had proof that he contracted Crohn's disease from a vaccine he got in school.

  2. I think that the government does have the right to tell kids going to public school to get vaccinated because it is a public safety issue.
    I think that the benefits outweigh the risks.

  3. Childhood Vaccinations are crucial because an onset of the disease later in life could be fatal. I learned in anatomy that (like mom always said) it is better to get things like chicken pox at a young age because your body can build immunity if it comes later in life.

  4. This website is very informative. Is there any information out there regarding the cummulative effect of numerous vaccines? Is there an HIV vaccine being develop? HIV has been around for at least two decades now, you would think a vaccine would have been developed by now. What are your thoughts?

  5. I got my whole family vaccinated with the flu shots and afterwards we were all bed-ridden because of flu symptoms. I still think that immunizations are beneficial, but science needs to perfect them so they don't do more harm than good.

  6. I think that most vaccinations are beneficial. I worry about unecessary vaccines with unwanted side effects being required just because a big corporation wants to cash in.

  7. I dont think that the government has the right to tell me what goes into my kids. Maybe they should just reward the kids who get the vaccines. But is that discrimination?
